
Remodeling Tips & Tricks From LDI

Organizing Your New Kitchen

Congratulations on your new kitchen! You're now the proud owner of shiny new cabinets that are just waiting to be filled with all your kitchen gear. But before you start stuffing everything in willy-nilly, let's talk about organization. After all, you don't want to be that person digging through a messy cabinet trying to find the garlic press while your pot boils over on the stove.

First things first, take a deep breath and grab a snack. You're going to need all your energy for this one. Then, channel your inner Marie Kondo and take everything out of your cabinets. If it doesn't spark joy, toss it. If it's moldy, toss it. If it's a weird kitchen gadget you got as a gift and have never used, maybe donate it (or just toss it, we won't judge).

Now that you've cleared out the clutter, it's time to categorize. Think about how you use your kitchen and group your items accordingly. Are you a baking fanatic? Do you make smoothies every morning? Categorize your items by use so you know which items to keep in which cabinets.

When it comes to arranging items within the cabinets, think about accessibility. You don't want to have to do a contortionist act every time you need the pasta pot. Keep your most-used items front and center and store your less-used items up high or in the back.

Consider investing in some organizational tools, like drawer dividers or lazy susans. They can help you maximize your cabinet space and keep everything in its place. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good lazy susan?

Finally, label everything. If you're feeling extra fancy, break out the label maker and go to town. Not only will labeling your cabinets make it easier to find what you need, but it also gives your kitchen a little touch of that HGTV magic.

Organizing your kitchen cabinets may not be the most glamorous task, but it's one that's sure to make your life easier in the long run. So grab a snack, put on your favorite tunes, and get to organizing. Your future self (and your pots and pans) will thank you.
Need a full refresh that organizing the cabinets just won’t get you? Give us a call! The team at LDI is always here to walk you through the trials and tribulations of any intervention.